Glen Burnie United Methodist Church offers (starting 9/5/2021) the Heart of Worship contemporary service every Sunday morning at 9:00am in our Social Hall. The service is lead by our song leader, Patrick Gleason with the sermon and lesson provided by our Pastor, Ken McDonald.

This service is typically one hour long and less formal than the traditional service. This is a true “come as you are” service. We even serve light refreshments before the service! Come as you are and worship your Lord as you are called to do so.

The basis for this service is Psalms 100:1&2 (New American Standard Version)  Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth. Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before Him with joyful singing. “The blueprint for worship is to – shout, serve and sing.” God asks just three simple things of us to have complete communion with Him:

  • Shout joyfully to Him let the world know where you stand, that you stand with Him.
  • Serve Him with gladness he has given us a very hard task of bringing His message to the world. We will not always be accepted for our beliefs, but we should be ready for the tasks.
  • Come before him with joyful singing no one said that it had to be perfect, to the LORD any music is beautiful.

We are His creation, His children. He just wants the opportunity to hear us (that is what we were created for).

Not what you’re looking for? We also offer traditional services in our church sanctuary and streamed live on Facebook at 11:00 am.

Calendar of Events

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Contemporary Worship

We offer a contemporary Worship service every Sunday morning at 9:00am in our Social Hall.

Ministries and Programs

We offer a variety of ministries to the community. Some people participate to learn, while others participate to teach and serve.

We would love to see everyone Sunday for worship!

Glen Burnie is a Christ-centered faith community which opens its doors and arms to all.